SOLOTANK tank primer
A two component tank ( holding ) primer.
SOLOTANK HB tank coating
A two component high build tank coating
SOLOTANK potable water tank coating
A two component high build tank coating manufactured from raw materials known to be of high purity. Suitable for the storage of potable water and certain food products.
SOLOTANK HS tank coating
A two component high solids, high build special cross-linked epoxy tank coating with excellent chemical resistance to many natural and synthetic products.
SOLOTANK high build glass flake
A two component epoxy incorporating glass flake.
SOLOTANK glass flake tank coating
A two component glass flake epoxy phenolic high build tank lining.
SOLOTANK SF tank coating
A two component solvent free epoxy vessel, pipe, and tank lining.
SOLOTANK trowling caulk
A tow component solvent free epoxy trowel applied caulking compound.